The School Day
08:30 – 09:00 – Pupils arrive to school – parents/carers drop their child at the reception gate, received by school staff
Pupils should aim to arrive by 08:30.
Pupils arriving by School/LA transport dropped off in the Westham car park, received by school staff.
Pupils being dropped off by parents should report to the main school car park between 08:30-08:50. If you arrive later than 08:50, please use the West Ham car park instead where staff will be on duty until 09:05.
Morning Routine
This takes place daily, between 08:30-09:10. This is an essential part of the school day, enabling pupils to settle into a conducive rhythm and to regulate, ahead of timetabled lessons commencing. Therefore it is vital that you ensure your child arrives to school on time each day.
The morning routine is tailored to the needs of each individual pupil and class but could include:
- Sensory activities
- Sensory circuits
- OT exercises
- Morning songs
- Personalised interventions
As part of their morning routine, Little Heath School provides every pupil with the opportunity to have a free breakfast each day.
Food and drinks available:
- Cereals
- Bagels
To promote communal dining experience, most pupils eat their lunch in the dining hall. However, there is an option of eating in the classroom if this is more beneficial for some pupils’ needs. Pupils are always supported and supervised by the school staff during their lunchtime.
To ensure that pupils are not made to wait unnecessarily long for their food, our lunchtime is staggered as follows:
- KS3: 12:30-12:50
- KS4: 12:50-13:10
Afternoon Routine
15:00 (Mon – Thur) /14:00 (Friday)
End of the day arrangement: Pupils are dismissed from their classes at 15:00 (14:00 on Fridays).
Pupils using LA transport: Pupils are escorted to their buses in the West Ham car park, by the school staff and handed over to the escort on the bus.
Pupils collected by parents/carers: Pupils are dismissed at the Reception gate and handed over to the parents/carer.
Parents/carers should provide written authorisation for their child to be collected by another adult, except in an emergency when a telephone call will suffice. Please ensure that the person collecting your child has ID with them to confirm their identity. This includes a parent/carer if they are not known to us. Members of SLT will need to verify and agree other arrangements if this has not been possible.
Pupils not collected:
If a pupil is not collected at the end of the school day or after an after school club, emergency contact numbers will be tried. In the event of not being able to contact someone, the school will contact Children with Disabilities Social Worker Team, to enable the pupil and family to be supported.
If a child/young adult is not collected by transport, then every effort will be made to get this rearranged. If a pupil is unable to travel due to illness, or perhaps behaviour or problem with a wheelchair etc., then it remains the responsibility of parents/carers to collect pupils.