Little Heath School

Afterschool Clubs


At Little Heath School, we offer a variety of clubs throughout the academic year. These clubs commence immediately after school and conclude at 16:25. It is essential for all pupils to be picked up by their parent or carer no later than 16:30.

Participation in the clubs incurs a fee ranging from £6 to £7 per week, depending on the chosen club. Healthy snacks, such as fruit and juice, are provided for pupils to enjoy during their sessions. For pupils receiving pupil premium, there is no charge for club participation.

The primary goal of our clubs is to create a secure and enjoyable space for pupils, fostering the opportunity to have fun, acquire new skills, and interact with their peers in a supportive environment. This aims to contribute to the development of social and emotional aspects of learning.

What's on Offer?

Spring Term Clubs - Jan 2025 – Apr 2025:

Day Club Cost
Tuesday Zen Fun Fitness £10
Thursday Zen Fun Fitness £10
Thursday Cookery £10

Before the commencement of the new term, forms will be distributed to parents and carers both through physical copies sent home and via email. Kindly fill out the form and return it, and you will be notified if you have been assigned a spot in the club.

Any queries please contact the Pastoral and Safeguarding Lead, Jodie Keen on 0208 599 4864

Other Provision

Please see the links below that list provisions on offer in Redbridge for young people with additional needs:

SEN Youth Centre and Clubs - Redbridge